Estepa Interiorismo

Pesadilla en la Cocina’ reformist


Do you know the TV show ‘Kitchen Nightmares‘ known in Spain like “Pesadilla en la cocina”? Issued in La Sexta and presented by the famous chef Alberto Chicote, this program shows the radical change that a restaurant makes to go from ruin to success.

Each participating restaurant undergoes a renewal in the menu, in the way of working and decoration.

And it is in this last point where Estepa Proyectos comes into play, since our interior design study is the ‘Pesadilla en la Cocina’ reformist.

Decorator of ‘Pesadilla en la Cocina’

stepa Proyectos interior professionals have been responsible for changing completely the appearance of the restaurants that have starred in the next season of this successful program of La Sexta, where you can see spectacular restaurant renovations.

The hotel business that Alberto Chicote visits needs to improve in several aspects. And one of them is, unquestionably, the decoration.

Our work in ‘Pesadilla en la Cocina’ consists of making a comprehensive reform of the entire restaurant. These are complete projects that include both the complete reform of the kitchen and the decoration of the rooms and the rest of the restaurant spaces.

And as you can see in each program, the change is amazing. Connoisseur of the sector, Alberto Chicote insists that the image of a restaurant is fundamental when it comes to achieving success in the hotel trade. And he is right.

‘Pesadilla en la Cocina’ Reforms Company

As experts in the decoration of bars and restaurants, Estepa Proyectos elaborates complete designs designed to attract the attention of new clients but also to provide maximum comfort.

We give life to attractive, welcoming and unique spaces. As those who will be able to see in the next episodes of ‘Pesadilla en la Cocina’.

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